Future for Viral Escapades

I've gotten a number of positive comments from the Game jam I entered. Generously pointing out only my music volume as an issue, which I knew already. And not any of the other things I thought of as flaws so yay me.

The mess of spaghetti code I did for the game jam kept breaking or being weird when I tried to do a settings menu. So I cut it, along with some other things that I was hoping to have included.

I learned alot from this project and I'm doing a ground up rebuild of the game in a better structured manner. And instead of just using it as a learning exercise I'm going to turn it into a full game. 

So look forward to a full game version of Viral Escapades in the near future! 


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I usually ditch my projects at some point and start something fresh instead of rewriting my code. But I guess that's why I suck at finishing projects ówò"

I know this post is old, but I wish you much luck on your dev journey and hope you get to find more time in the future!

I do plan on finishing this eventually life just hits like a truck sometimes

Well I saw your other blog later and can say: I feel you. Like, seriously, I have 2 children myself and I'm also in my 30s. Anyways, if this project ever gets and update, or you release something new, I'll happily read any updates.